The Contao Web CMS System provides the possibility to rewrite classes of the core or of 3rd party modules.
In case you want to publish your extension, this is not a suggested way because this can create conflicts if two installed modules try to rewrite the same class. But for local modules this is a valid method.
First of all you must ensure, that your module is loaded after the module you want to rewrite. You can assure this by giving your module a name which comes alphabetically after the name of the module to be rewritten. Or you can add a line
requires[] = "dlh_googlemaps"
to your autoload.ini. Digging into the code you find out that this require statement is evaluated in \Contao\ModuleLoader::scanAndResolve
Now you simply have to add your class to the autoload.php
with the same class name (without namespace prefix) as the class to be rewritten:
ClassLoader::addClasses(array ( 'Mymodule\Googlemap' => 'system/modules/mymodule/classes/Googlemap.php', ));
The class loader uses the class_alias() PHP function to define an alias for the class name without the namespace. So now the class can be instantiated using \Googlemap
Your Googlemap.php
would look like this
namespace Mymodule; class Googlemap extends \delahaye\googlemaps\Googlemap { public static function getMapData($intMap, $strFormat= '', $arrParams=false) { parent::getMapData($intMap, $strFormat, $arrParams); // your code } }
If you set
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['debugMode'] = true;
in your localconfig.php
, a debug area is displayed on the page’s bottom indicating which classes are aliased:
The method \Contao\ClassLoader::findClass()
is responsible for searching the registered namespaces for the class. The static field ClassLoader::$namespaces
contains the registered namespaces in reverse order of the loading order of the modules so the first match is picked.
There is one catch: if two or more of your modules use the same namespace, all of them have to be loaded before the module you want to overwrite (using the required-configuration mentioned above) . Otherwise the namespace will be listed in the wrong order as each namespace can be only registered once and the overwrite will not have an effect.